Keeping in Touch
Sunday Services at 6.30pm
A Very Warm Welcome
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Psalm 27:14
Evening Service
Rev. Jenny Haggar
Village Hall 10.45
Rev. Malcolm Boulter,
No evening service
Evening Service
Mr. Keith Ives.
Evening Service
Mr. Cyril Bamforth
Evening Service
Rev. Jenny Haggar
Starting at 4pm
Mrs. Carol Hutchings
All Welcome
Choose Your Own Carols
Fellowship Service
Traditional Carol Service
Rev. Malcolm Boulter
Christmas Day
Carols Around the Tree
Fellowship Service
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4
What s On in NOVEMBER
Sun 3rd Evening Service, Rev. Jenny Haggar 18.30-19.30
Tues 5th Prayers in the vestry 9.45-10.00
Tues 5th Meet up @ Coffee & Chat 10.00-12.00
Quiz Bonfire & Remembrance & Sing Song
Thurs 7th Knit & Natter 10.00-12.00
Fri 8th Ladies What Chill 20.00
Sun 10th Remembrance Sunday 10.45 @ Village Hall Rev. M. Boulter
Tues 12th Prayers in the vestry 9.45-10.00
Tues 12th Meet up @ Coffee & Chat 10.00-12.00
Thurs 14th Knit & Natter 10.00-12.00
Sun 17th Evening Service-Mr. Keith Ives 18.30-19.30
Tues 19th Prayers in the Vestry 9.45-10.00
Tues 19th Meet up @ Coffee & Chat 10.00-12.00
Thurs 21st Knit & Natter 10.00-12.00
Fri 22nd Ladies What Chill 20.00
Sun 24th Evening Service Mr. Cyril Bamforth 18.30-19.30
Tues 26th Prayers in the Vestry 9.45-10.00
Tues 26th Meet up @ Coffee & Chat 10.00-12.00
Help to decorate the Christmas Trees
Thurs 28th Knit & Natter 10.00-12.00
October has come and gone in a flash. A big thank you to all who have supported this church and me in so many different ways recently. It was a privilege to open the church for a quiet service of remembrance for Baby Loss Awareness, thank you Dave and Denise who helped and made this special for those who came along.
Also a HUGE thank you to Denise Clarke, Denise Lane and Liz Brennan who undertook all the catering duties for the Eastern Area Assembly, that was held here last Saturday. We had 37 guests to cater for and Denise C did the morning stint with the welcome drinks and sorted out all the lunch and laid it out, washed up afterwards and cleared away ready for the afternoon shift! Denise and Liz who came bearing cakes and ready to serve tea and coffee s before folk went home. I must add that none of this would be possible without the support of Allan my husband who helped me shift heavy tables around and picked up the sandwiches from Sainsbury s on Saturday morning and helped me clear up afterwards. A massive thank you to ALL, you know how much I appreciated all you did and do for the Congregational Church. May God Bless You Richly.
The clocks have gone back which means the darker longer nights are with us. The leaves are changing and falling fast from the trees, as autumn and winter is with us once again. Some of us dread the long winter months and colder weather. It s a time to perhaps slow down and take stock of our life and to think about what is important. To give thanks for everything and everybody that we perhaps take for granted. As we approach Remembrance Day, we realise how much of a debt we should pay to all those who have served and still serve this Country in our Armed Forces. It is indeed a deep debt of gratitude, especially to those who have given their precious lives to keep our Nation free and secure and those who carry the scars and injuries physically and mentally from their time of duty. I would urge you especially if you have never been, to come to the service of Remembrance in the village on Sunday 10th November at. 10.45. It is always a very thought provoking service but uplifting at the same time.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, WE WILL REMEMBER THEM.
The Lord s my shepherd, I ll not want.
He makes me lie in pastures green
He leads me by the still, still waters,
His goodness restores my soul.
And I will trust in You alone
And I will trust in You alone,
For Your endless mercy follows me,
Your goodness will lead me home.
And though I walk the darkest path,
I will not dear the evil one,
For You are with me,
And your rod and staff
Are the comfort I need to know
And I will trust in You alone .
Psalm 23 adapted Stuart Townend
We are so preciously loved by God
That we cannot even comprehend it.
No created being can ever know
How much and how sweetly
And tenderly God loves them. Julian of Norwich
Silver End Congregational Church Bank details.
Barclays Bank
Account Name: Silver End Congregational Church
Sort Code: 20-97-40
Account No. 70300969
CHURCH CONTACTS- on line www.silverendcongregationalchurch.org
Coffee & Chat Tuesday 10.00 - 12 noon
Church Treasurer & Enquiries Mrs. S. Gray Tel. 07710 285214
e.mail sharon@silverend.org
Church Telephone No. 01376 584306 Post Code CM8 3QF (Silver Street)
Silver End Guiding Group Contact Mrs. Carol Hutchings 07857 663959
Rainbows, Guides, Brownies, Rangers & other groups
Monday Miffy s Fab & Fit 9.30-10.30am
Tuesday Silver Swans Movement Class 9.45-12 Contact Gemma 07597 649240
Wednesday Carolyn s Dance Group - Disco/Street Dance Contact Harriet
07855 014717
Thursday SILVER TOTS (Baby & Toddler Group) at 9.45am- Nikki 07809 761902 (Term Time)
Thursday Knit & Natter Thursday 10.00 12 noon Contact, Barbara 01376 585467
Thursday Miffy s Fab & Fit 6-7pm
Friday Ladies who Chill Group Contact Nicki for details nickicyp@yahoo.co.uk
SCOUT GROUP Dan Sutton (Scout Leader) dan@silverend-scouts.org.uk
07970 730636
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 (NLT)
Prayers to Consider
Be thankful! We have many blessing, and many things we take for granted. Our comfortable homes, our friends and families, our food, our water, electricity our health, and so much more
We give thanks for all the Congregational Churches that were represented at our recent area meeting. It was a day of great blessing.
We lift to the Lord all those who are currently serving in the Armed Forces and for their families at home. We pray for the work of the Royal British Legion who supports those families and the families who have lost loved ones. They also do a great work helping veterans readjust.
We remember those who work as Chaplains in our Armed Forces Supporting, Counselling, evangelising, comforting. Please strengthen them in this work.
We pray for those who have been caught up by the floods in Spain. This was so unexpected and devastating to all. Please comfort those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, their homes and livelihoods. We pray that all affected will get support and help to rebuild after time to process and grieve about what has happened.
Please pray for our Country, for our Government and Parliament. May God have mercy upon us.
Please pray for our dear friends that suffer from Dementia, we pray for those known to us and for those in our local care homes in the village. We pray for all Carers who work in the community and in Residential homes. We give thanks for them and the work they undertake.
Remember those who are grieving at this time, some recently who have lost loved ones and some whose anniversaries are close by.
Remember those from our fellowship. Carol H is having her knee replacement later this month and friends with special needs, Iris, Brenda, Doreen, Judy, Val, Pat, Charles and Barbara. We lift them all to the Lord for his love, help and care.
Dear Lord. Please encourage anyone who is downhearted and sad. Send your messengers to comfort and help them to entrust their lives into Your hands. We pray for strength and understanding to face their difficulties and come through their trial. In Jesus name.